Use the search field above to filter by staff name.

Richard Agnew
TMS 8th Grade Mathematics Teacher
Middle School

Amanda Albert
TES Instructional Coach
Elementary School

Alexis Albrecht
TES 3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Megan Alexander
TES Early Childhood Teacher
Elementary School

Tanya Allison
TES Library Clerk
Elementary School

Christy Angell
TMS Library Clerk
Middle School

John Ast
THS SPED Teacher
High School

Jenna Ast
TES 1st Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Kristin Barnes
TES 2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Tracy Barnett
THS, TMS & TES ESOL Coordinator
Elementary School

Mary Parks
TMS 6th Grade Technology Teacher
Middle School

Ashley Barton
TES Nurse
Elementary School

Jordan Beeves
TES Speech Teacher
Elementary School

Calesta Blazo
TES Principal
Elementary School

LeAnn Bond
TMS Physical Education Teacher
Middle School

Matthew Bond
THS Physical Education Teacher
High School

Audra Boone
Human Resources Assistant/Payroll/BOE Clerk
Administrative Center

Karen Bottary
Board Member
Administrative Center

Marie Bower
THS Art Teacher
High School

Matthew Bowers
TES Assistant Principal
Elementary School